Pure Water System


 Pure Water Window Cleaning

Water Fed Pole RO Units DI Bottles TDS Meters Trolley System

Water Fed Pole Tips

Water fed pole equipment prices have come down over the last few years due to the increase in the number of manufacturers and suppliers of products and spares related to pure water system window cleaning.
These tips will get you up and running for less money than you've ever had to spend before on water fed pole, pure water window cleaning equipment.

The best way to make your pure water last longer during the day and consequently enable yourself to clean more windows with the amount of water you have in the back of your van, is to turn the water off, that's coming out of your pure water system when you're not actually cleaning windows.

There are loads of modifications you can make to your pure water system, to turn your pure water off between each window that you clean. Most methods take at least a few seconds to implicate and are cumbersome. The following video will show you Autobrush that simply turns your pure water off and on with a simple knock. You will save a huge amount of water during the day with this brush head and increase your ability to earn even more money each day with your pure water system window cleaning system.  

You can find suppliers of the autobrush by simply searching Google for autobrush